My holidays started again:)Thus, I have some time for my blog. I would like to reflect what was going on all these past weeks at the university.
I kind of start to understand why deadline is called "dead line". Because at the end of that line, you are dead. Literally. When all of the papers are submitted, and all of the work that was due is done, you just fall down on the bed (if you are lucky) or any other surface and sleep. It may sound implausible, but that’s how it is. If you walk through LCC hallway during the exam week, all of the couches are occupied by students who try to compensate their lack of sleep that the deadlines have stolen. Hence, good luck with your deadlines!
Beje, ačiū Ivetai, Irai, Adomui, Irmai, Emui, Vidmantei, Linai, Robertai, Daliai - tušas piešia tiesiog tobulai:)
Ihihiii :))) That's cool! You are free and may dance and sleep when and where you want! :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiYes, on English it sound deadlines... how it sounds on your language? On ukrainian - "termin" or "vchasno" on transliteration... "Chas" - is a Time :)))
Your illustration is soo cool!!! - it looks like illustration in book :) I see - there are books - what you like - on the shelves and close to you - what you study in University :)
You are master of Mood!
Exactly, now I can sleep, watch movies, chat all day long:) Love this time!
AtsakytiPanaikintiIn Lithuanian it would probably be "galutinis ar paskutinis terminas". Thus, sounds like Ukrainian.
And thanks:)I would love to illustrate books some time in the future. By the way, you are good at interpreting. The ones close-I am studying, and the ones further are just random. This semester, I had to write research paper about Minor prophet, so I used Intro to OT (Old Testament), and History... I just like.
Merry Xmas, Dear aurelija! :-))) Smiles!!!!!!
AtsakytiPanaikintiYou will be illustrator because you want Be!!! :-)
And you are very talented! :)
Thank you:) I hope you had (or will have as orthodox Chrismas are later) wonderful Christmas!
AtsakytiPanaikintiI hope, I hope I will be:)
Yes, I will have orthodox Chrismas later, in 6-7 January :) Thank you! :))))Our Holidays is begins from New Year and till Old New Year or how it call in Ukraine - Malanka, folk Holiday in January, 13...
AtsakytiPanaikintiHow about your country? It is very interesting for me!!! :)
Yeah, it is interesting how everything works in other countries:)
AtsakytiPanaikintiIn Lithuania winter holidays for high schoolers are two weeks and they start around Christmas Eve (December24) and finishes till the day of Three Kings (January6).
However, in universities it is a bit different. It varies from one uni to the other. Most of my friends have holidays at the end of January because it is the time when their semester ends. But they somehow also have free time or free days during Christmas and New Year but I don’t know a lot about that system. Anyway, in my School we have 3 weeks that starts from somewhere around December 18-19 and lasts till one week after New Year’s Day. So, that’s really refreshing and you can do a lot, and even want to get back to study, though studies are really intensive.